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Huntingdonshire District

Hunts Mind

Hunts Mind is a local voluntary organisation affiliated to National Mind, run by a team of staff in conjunction with volunteers and service users. They are a service user led organisation which means their values and our approach always has the service user at the heart. With that in mind their services offer a wide range of both social and therapeutic opportunities to members and encourages a Recovery mindset in staff and volunteers.



Macmillan improves the lives of people affected by cancer locally. They provide practical, medical, emotional and financial support and push for better cancer care.

Living Sport


Living sport is the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Sports Partnership. It is established as a Company Limited by Guarantee and attained Charitable status in 2007. Its staff team operates from the Lakeside Lodge Complex in Pidley. Their services aims to  provide support of wider Sport Development initiatives that ensure local communities have greater opportunity to take part in sport and active recreations.


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